Templemore Golf Club, Golfer of the year trophy presentation by Club Hon. Competition Secretary Sean Lee to Sean Cashman.
Golfer of the year.
12/1/2024. Golfer of the year presentation Sean Cashman was congratulated by Club Captain 2023 Declan Kennedy at the club AGM on Fri. 12th. Jan. Sean played very consistently over the year and well deserved the Trophy. Well done Sean.
Captain 2023 address.
12/01/23. 2023 Captain Declan welcomed all to the Clubs EGM for 2023 on a cold frosty Friday night. His address was very short and mostly thanking all. It was a great honour and I am very proud to have served you all as your Captain in 2023, and something that I have very fond memories off that I will cherish for many years. I believe 2023 was a very good year for the club and we have achieved a huge amount in a very short time. The club has now moved to a One Club Model the preferred choice of Golf Ireland and it was also the right thing to do. The Club adapted a new constitution to reflect our structure that will now come into place. A lot of work has taken place on the course and there is still funding to be spend on drainage from the Sports Capital Fund when the weather permits. We would have liked to have completed more but some external factors prevented this from happening. It’s important here to mention Pat and Dinny our staff who work tirelessly to provide a high-quality golf course for our enjoyment. I also want to thank all the volunteers who gave their time and effort to assist with many course duties in keeping it to this high standard. The Captains Prize, Vice Captains and Presidents Prize were all wonderful successes and thanks to Sean Lee and his team of Mick Keely, Les Mason and Timmy Tuohy for all their efforts during the year. I would also like to thank all the managers and helpers of the Interclub Team Events, where the club had a very successful year. The Country Clubs Team under the watch eye of the Manager Seamus Bourke had an historic win in dreadful weather conditions in Lismore. The Perry Team, managed by Liam Leahy went to an all-Ireland semi-final in Westport and were only beaten in the last match on the 18th. The JB Carr Team managed by Mick Carey and supported by Liam Daly won the Area Final. The Diageo Mixed Foursomes were beaten finalists, lost on the 18th hole in Roscrea. Many other highlights in 2023 for the club was the Ladies Programme for Getting into Golf with nearly 40 new lady’s members joining, opening of the restaurant the new signage got installed that was funded by Duggan Brother’s, but all the signage ordering and design was completed in Jim’s term as Captain in 2022. I want to thank the Committee sincerely for the support they provided to me and what they gave to the club in 2023. The club could not have had such a successful and enjoyable year without their commitment and hard work. I would like a special mention each of them, Mr President Rody, Vice-Captain and incoming Captain Les, Hon Secretary Pat, Hon Treasurer Tom, Hon Competition Secretary Sean, Hon Handicap Secretary Michael, Communication Officer Tony, Ex Officio Jim, Declan, Eamon, Timmy and Jerome. Thank you all again for your support throughout the year. I want the thank the Women’s Captain Mary Gilmartin and the Women’s Committee for 2023 for all the support they provided to me. I also wish the incoming Women’s Captain Caroline Fogarty a very pleasurable year ahead. I am looking forward to being part of the Management Committee in 2024 and working closely will all committee members to the betterment of Templemore Golf Club. I want to thank everyone for supporting me and making my Captaincy in 2023 a very enjoyable experience. Declan Kennedy,
2023 President Address.
12/1/24. President Rody Cawley thanked Captain Declan, incoming Captain Les, fellow committee members. It was an honor and privilege to serve as President of Templemore Golf Club during 2023. I thank Michael Purcell for inviting me to be President 2023. The Presidents prize weekend was a tremendous success with over 95 played. The winner was Joe Fahey with a brilliant score of 47pts. In my eyes, everyone that played was a winner. A special word of thanks to Les, Sean, Pat and all who helped over the weekend. A special thanks to Dinny and Pat for all their good work on the course during the year. Were so lucky to have them both. Thanks to my own family Jayne, Yvonne, and Sarah Jayne for their support and help during year. A special word of thanks to our pro. Tony O’ Toole who kept everyone up to date every week with news results of competitions either by, What’s App, Tipp Star, Nenagh Guardian and Facebook. President Roady then performed his last function by unveiling a beautiful case of historical original documents of a circular that started the initiative of forming a golf club and the 1st, AGM. In 1971 sponsored by PRO Tony O’Toole. Finally President Rody announce the President for 2024, Tommy Foley. He wished Tommy all the best for 2024 and I hope everyone enjoys the year ahead with good health and good golf. 2023 Captain Rody Cawley.
P.R.O. Address.
12/1/24. One Golf Club Model Presentation from Communication/PRO Tony O’Toole. I had to go back to the beginning as we are now on a new beginning journey with the “One Golf Model”
A special thanks to President Rody, the Late former Captain PJ Leahy and our Historian researcher Frankie Shortt for documentation on the evolution of our club to prepare for this presentation. A Historical notification was circulated in the Garda College for the purpose of forming a “Garda Training Centre Golf Club” at 8.30pm on 28th. Sept.1971. President Rody Cawley unveil this historical presentation of original documents relating to the initiative that formed Templemore Golf Club. A proud gratitude to those pioneers who initiated this notification, otherwise we would not have Templemore Golf Club here today. Included in the presentation are Minutes from the 1st. meeting to form our Golf Club on 28th. Sept 1971. In the Courtroom of the Garda Centre, Chaired by our eminent member Sgt. Pat Costello. One observation describes the restrictions on civilian to play. The 1st.. AGM was held on 22nd Feb 1980 in the Staff Canteen of the Garda College. There are lot’s of familiar names who attended this AGM including our eminent members Pat Dunne and John Moloughney. We have come a long way since those inaugural meetings to our present “One Golf Club Model” This was initiated by Golf Ireland to us on 16th. Dec 2022. A lot of work behind the scenes involved many late-night meetings, phone calls and long meetings with Golf Ireland development and support officer for Munster, Sam Power and others to make sure we were on the right track. We are now at the final hurdles in completing this project which will encompass both men and women as one club. This is also a necessary requirement going forward to avail of Capital and sports grants as is our own autonomy commenced in 2017, 6 years in the process, encompassing several legal and state departments, and more recently forming our LTD company and our own constitution. To Quote our Captain Declan “ It’s not that we have to do this, but it’s the right thing to do” I commend our Captain Declan Kennedy for his steadfast, due diligence and commitment to the project also all the men and women committee members and a special mention to our women’s Captain, Mary Gilmartin for her overwhelm support throughout the process. I take this opportunity to wish all the new committees, Captain’s Les Mason, Caroline Fogarty and President Tommy Foley, all the success during the golf year 2024 and beyond. P.R.O. Tont O’ Toole
AGM in general.
Detailded reports were read out by Hon secretart Pat O’ Connell, Treasurer Tom McGrath, Hon, Handicap Secretary Sean Lee. President Declan kennedy then proceeded with the election of officers 2024. Captain les Mason, President Tommy Foley, Treasurer Mick Keely, Hon Secretary, Kay Brennan, Hon. Handicap Secretary Michael Purcell, Hon. Competition Secretary Pat O’Connell. A new inaugural management committee will now be formed in the coming weeks.
Captain 2024 Address.
12/1/24. Captain Les Mason Address. President Tommy, Past President Rody, Past Captain Declan, Past Golf Ireland President John Moloughney my fellow club members / friends. I cannot tell you how proud and stunned I was when Past Captain Declan Kennedy asked me to be his Vice-Captain. I always thought you had to be a good golfer to be Captain and to all those that suffered around with me in the early days of 2016 in my getting back into golf after such a long layoff at a new and interesting golf course would testify. I thank Denis and Martin Bohan, Bertie Keane, who took me into their group. I wish to share one abiding memory that epitomises my feeling of how I would like to see everyone to see the club and its members. Again I was privileged to be asked by Phil Ryan, Pat O’Connell and the sadly missed PJ Leahy, to join the men’s seniors committee thank you. Well the first Thursday morning after the COVID restrictions were lifted I never saw so many smiling faces and lack of complaints, it was not Too Cold Too Hot Too Wet Too Sunny Too cloudy etc.etc. The points and teams did not matter people were just happy to be out and playing golf. I mentioned Captain Declan earlier and I cannot continue before I say that I have not met, in all my time in golf clubs, someone with so much energy, drive and focus as Declan has shown in his year as Captain, and I must disappoint you all immediately if I matched that in this year as Captain I would burn out way before August. Thank you Declan, and the committee, you steered us through the first year of the new era of our leasehold and championed the one club model constitution and thus made us Golf Ireland compliant. I also want to mention Mary Gilmartin another force of nature with an open mind and wanting to expand the members of the club which the “Get into Golf” scheme did so well. From all this great work in 2023 we will be moving into the new structure, agreed in the new constitution 2024. Exercising and testing the new processes and that structure and how they work for our club. Where necessary we will bring changes back to the members to ensure we end up with a constitution that will enhance the membership experience of all the members of Templemore golf club. So to 2024, I am looking forward to serving as your Captain to represent you the members and the club to the best of my abilities and I am sorry to say I will make mistakes as I have no previous experience in the role at all. I am hoping all the members will work with me to make this year a great success and help me out as the golfing year unfolds. As Captain Declan has thanked the 2023 committee I thank those that will be giving their time and effort to the 2024 committee lets hope the meetings will be as energetic and productive as 2023. A penultimate thank you goes to somebody that I have worked with closely on the Competitions Committee over the last two years, he has been involved in sporting organisations for many many years so this experience and his enthusiasm and passion for the club is second to none, my Vice Captain for 2024 Sean Lee, thanks Sean for being crazy enough to volunteer. I also look forward to working with the incoming Ladies Captain Caroline, the one club model is such a move forward in the game it can only lead to more exciting views, competitions and other aspects of Golf and hopefully bring more people into the great game of golf. 2024 Captain Les Mason.