Ladies Golf; The Ladies Social Mix is gathering momentum. All members should make a special effort to participate in this great Social event each Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. Followed by their hospitality of Tea, Sandwiches, scones and banter. A wonderful event and all the Ladies are to be congratulated for organising this event. Keep it up Ladies and well done.
Ladies Results;
Tuesday 16th. May. 1st. Mary Ann Maher 34 points. 2nd. Lorraine Bourke 33 points.
Social Mixed Wed. 17th. May. 1st. Team, Seamus Bourke, John Greed, Eileen Curtin. 2nd. Team, Jerry Keegan, Frank Shortt, Maura Sheehan.
Tuesday 23rd. 1st. Olivia Collins 34 pts. 2nd. Shiela Delaney .34 pts. and 3rd. Sadie Tynan. 34pts.
Social Mixed Wed. 24th. May. 1st. Team. Ann Kennedy, Joan Short, Martin Gleeson. 2nd. Team, Seamus Bourke, Maura Sheehan, Margaret Deegan.