The Spring League;

The spring league is still in full flight despite recent bad weather with Week 2 & 3 finished on the 18th. March.
On Sunday 19th March. the League round 4 is divided into 2 sections, Division 1 and Division 2. Best 4 scores to count, Holes 1 to 11 All to finish on April 2nd.
This is where the big shake up starts. All are encouraged to continue playing and to take the advantage of re-entry to improve your score and support your team.
There will be Prizes for Round Winners, Overall Prizes, First & Second, and also Winners of division 2.
To-date over 312 cards have been played. A fantastic turn out by all.
IMPORTANT; See notice board for playing conditions. Despite inclement weather “Team Players” are braving the elements to improve their scoring.
Results of Spring League;
Results for Round 2 and 3 will be displayed on the Club Notice board shortly
If you are not on the team list, contact Club Captain Martin Bohan 087 0509278 or Club Competition Secretary Liam Leahy 087 4115773 for you to substitute a placing or to create a new team. Re-entry is €3 . Prizes for round winners overall prizes first & second, and winner of division 2 cut after two rounds. Spread the word.
Golfer of the Year; Increase your “Golfer of the Year” points by participating in all competitions throughout the year.
This structure was designed to keep the “Golfer of The Year” competition competitive, right up to the end.
Member Subs are now due, so please pay A.S.A.P.
Payment can now be made online as follows; Open web page; Templemore Golf
Select Membership Tab, Select the Category, insert your Name or Membership Number, then select “Pay Now”, you will then see an option to “Pay with PayPal” or “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” the normal procedure follows after that. Also, anyone that wants to make a donation payment can select the “Other Payment” (ID.PP17)
Weekly ongoing; The usual weekly competition will continue throughout the weeks, Fee €5.
All fixtures are now listed on the Club Notice board.
Sat. 1st. April; Our Lady’s Secondary School will be the venue for a “Bank of Ireland Enterprise Day” Templemore Golf Club will have a presentation stand at this event. A great opportunity to profile the club to Students, Parents and all that attend. Ladies and Gents please support this event.
Mon. 3rd April; The Nationals. A range of events encompass County, Regional and National and international Golf tournaments
sponsored by Great Irish Golf will take place at The Heritage Golf Club on Monday 3rd April 2017. Details are on the notice board for teams to take part.
Miscellaneous Events;
“Templemore Golf Twinning in Italy”
Sat. 9th. Sept. “Twin Town Cup” Competition between Templemore and 2 Twin Towns from France and Italy. . This is a great event in profiling our club to been vibrant and active and also a return visit from the away clubs to Templemore to sample Templemore Golf Club hospitality. If you have any difficulty in making arrangements, or for more information, contact Club Captain Martin Bohan 087-05092 or Club Treasurer Tom McGrath 087-4132691. All details will be on the Club House notice board.
GUI Handicap Awareness Month; The Golfing Union of Ireland and Irish Ladies Golf Union are spearheading the campaign for fair and consistent handicapping by tackling the cheats in an innovative Handicap Awareness Month. Throughout the month of March, the Unions will be running “TheFairWay” campaign, which will educate players and clubs alike. Handicapping is a fundamental aspect of the game and as the governing bodies for golf in Ireland, the GUI and ILGU are raising awareness in response to public concerns about handicap cheating. Unlike most sports, golf is largely played in the absence of a referee. The game, and the handicapping system, rely on the integrity of the individual. It is up to every single player to observe the spirit and intent of the handicapping system. Throughout the month-long campaign, the Unions will provide all the information necessary to be handicap aware in 2017. Your first port of call is a dedicated website: There, clubs can access essential information, including a how-to guide for administering and maintaining handicaps. “The average Handicap for Men in Ireland is 16.5.!!!!”
GUI Munster Branch; The GUI Munster Branch held a “Junior Golf Seminar” in the Clonmel Golf Course last Tuesday night 14th. Templemore Golf Club was represented by our Junior Officer Pat O’Connell. These Seminars are to give Club Junior Officers an outline of what Munster Junior Golf is about, based on Junior Coaching, Grants, team selection, etc.
Junior Golf;
All Juniors interested in taking up golf or improving their golf should contact Pat O’Connell, 087-9205821. There will golf sessions during Easter Holidays and others holidays in the year, so arrange with Pat as soon as possible your interest in Golf.
New Members;
Registrations Forms for new members are now available on line, or at the club house or contact Martin Bohan 087 0509278.
New members are now availing of the “new online application form”. and membership is now on the “upward trend”. All are welcome.
New members are the lifeline of the club, so all existing members are encouraged to tell all your friends to take up membership and test their skills on this challenging Golf course.
The Golf Course:
The course is progressing well under the guidance of Course Manager Liam Leahy and our Green Keeper John Alexandre, despite inclement weather and also with the team of voluntary workers which is always appreciated in profiling the club amenities.
“Adopt a Bunker” Due to heavy rainfall the Bunkers are now in need of attention and all members are requested to “Adopt a Bunker” and to continue looking after your bunker for the season. All volunteers are welcome, just check in with Liam Leahy, Course Manager, 087 4115773 to offer our skills that will make improvements i.e. Grass Cutting, Bunker Raking, Strimming, Carpentry, Maintenance or others. All will be appreciated.
Seniors Report and Results Thurs. 16th. Mar.
There was a good turnout of Seniors. It’s always a delight to see the enthusiasm and energy of the seniors for this golf event. And especially the catering by “Chef de cuisine” Rody Cawley with Caesar Salads, a variety of sandwiches, biscuits, tea or coffee, a delightful feast for all after a very competitive day of Golf, This week experienced a historical tight scoring and PJ Leahy could have done with and extra membrane to sort it all out. All 3 winners had the same finish score of 47pts. with Seamus Burke achieving 3 consecutive Birdies on holes 3-4-5 well Done Seamus. The winners were calculated on the last 6 holes break down and that even showed a tight margin of 1pt. differences. So well done to PJ Leahy after sorting this extraordinary scoring, he deserved to celebrate on St.Patrick’s day.
1st. Team; Denny Touhy. Seamus Ryan, Jerry Keegan, Pat O’Connell – 47pts. Clear with 27pts on the last 6 holes.
2nd. Team; Eddie Butler, Mick Connell, Donal Golden, 47pts. plus 2 for 3 ball and 26pts on the back 6 holes.
3rd. Team; Seamus Burke, John Brown, Mick Carey, John Stapleton, 47pts. with 25pts on the back 6 holes.
Lucky Dip €10 Winner; Phil Ryan.
The committee expressed congratulations to Our Lady’s Harty Cup Team again for and their fantastic win over Kilkenny and to wish them all the success for the “Croke Cup” final against St.Kiernans on Sat. 25th. in “Semple Stadium”. Also mentioned was a fund raiser card game “Progressive 25” in our Lady’s Hall on Wed. 22nd. March to rail funds for this successful team.
Congratulations to Mick Connell, John Galvin, Pat Costello and others for their presentation in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with a float on “Active Retirement Living” “Age is only a number” and the senior golfers is a good example for this.
Congratulation was also expressed again to Phil Ryan for his past due-diligence in organising the Seniors and it was expressed a delight to see him back playing again and winning the Lucky dip €10. Well done Phil.
New Seniors Members;
All Senior Golfers and visiting Golfers 55+ are more than welcome to enjoy an excellent social opportunity to play this game with likeminded golfers.
Next Seniors, Thursday 23rd. March.
Usual time 10am. for entries to start no later than 10-30am. Fee €5 which include Golf, Tea, Sandwich’s and the banter.
LMC will be in Templemore on Saturday 22nd. July.
April LMC Fixtures. Roscrea, 10/4, Birr, 24/4.
Golf thought for the week; “ Achievements on the Golf Course are not what matters, decency and honesty are what matters” -Tiger Woods.