Our “online application form” is now receiving great interest. Tell all you’re friends that they can now apply on line on our new web site
There will be a “Presentation Social Night” on the 10th. March. All are invited to this entertainment night with great music, refreshments and good banter. (Venue and times will be noted later)
Those not getting text notices, please send by text, name and mobile number to 0870509278.
Due to heavy rain fall the Bunkers are now in need of attention and all are requested to “Adopt a Bunker” and to continue looking after your bunker for the season.
Important; Refer to the notice board for playing conditions.
Member Subs are now due, so please pay A.S.A.P.
The usual weekly competition will continue throughout the week, Fee €5.
10th. March. Presentation Social Night.
The Spring League;
The spring league is now in full flight with Week 1. completed and the scores are now listed on the notice board. Week 2, has been extended to the 26th Feb.
Week 3, was commenced on the 20th. Holes 3-11. IMPORTANT; See notice board for playing conditions.
Despite inclement weather “Team Players” are braving the elements to improve their scoring.
All are encouraged to continue playing and to take the advantage of re-entry to improve your score and support your team.
To-date over 170 cards have been played. This displays fantastic enthusiasm by all.
If you are not on the team list, contact Club Captain Martin Bohan 0870509278 or Club Competition Secretary Liam Leahy 087 4115773 for you to substitute a placing or to create a new team.
Re-entry is €3 . Prizes for round winners overall prizes first & second, and winner of division 2 cut after two rounds. Spread the word.
Results of Spring League, Week One;
Teams; A-44pts. B-38pts. C-38pts. D-33pts. E-39pts. F-41pts. G-36pts. H-59pts. I-37pts. J-44pts. K-43pts. L-40pts. M-42pts.
The current highest scoring team is H with 59pts. The lowest is team D with 33pts.
There is still a lot of room for improvement. Play as often as you can with the re-entry format to improve your team score.
“The Nationals”
A range of events encompass County, Regional and National and international Golf tournaments
sponsored by Great Irish Golf will take place at The Heritage Golf Club on Monday 3rd April 2017. Details are on the notice board for teams to take part.
New Members;
Registrations Forms for new members are now available on line, or at the club house or contact Martin Bohan 087 0509278.
It’s encouraging to see that some new members have already used the “new online application form”. All are welcome.
New members are the lifeline of the club, so all existing members are encouraged to tell all your friends to take up membership and test their skills on this challenging Golf course.
The course is progressing well under the guidance of Course Manager Liam Leahy and our Green Keeper John Alexandre, despite inclement weather and also with the team of voluntary workers which is always appreciated in profiling the club amenities. A new look has been created by the volunteers at the 5th, Tee box, with the discovery of Glacier Bolder deposits. See the details on the “History Page” on the web site.
Seniors Report and Results Thurs. 23rd. Feb.
Due to inclement weather the Seniors was cancel this week the 23rd Feb.
All Senior and visiting Golfers 55+ should try this event, just turn up and you will be more than welcome to enjoy an excellent social opportunity to play with likeminded golfers.
Next Seniors, Thursday 3rd. March.
Usual time 10am. for entries to start no later than 10-30am. Fee €5 which include Golf, Tea, Sandwich’s and the banter.
Golf thought for the week;
“The whole secret to mastering the game of golf — and this applies to the beginner as well as the pro — is to cultivate a mental approach to the game that will enable you to shrug off the bad days, keep patient and know in your heart that sooner or later you will be back on top. – Arnold Palmer “