News up to Sunday 28th July 2024

Photo (A)  Templemore Golf Club, Women’s Munster Semi-Final Winners.  Lorraine Ryan, Mary Fitzpatrick, Claire Fitzpatrick, Breda O’Connell, Michelle Hassett.

Photo (B)  Templemore Golf Club, Captain’s Prize Winners.  B.R. L.R. Ciaran Hassett, Captain Les Mason, President Tommy Foley, Martin Mullally. F.R. L.R.  Joe Kennedy, Winner, Bertie Keane, Bernie O’Rourke, Jerry Keegan Snr., Martin Mullally, Billy Collier.


Men’s Captain Prize.

21st. July.  The 2024 Captain’s prize was played over three days of varying weather conditions. On a course in magnificent condition there was some excellent scores returned. There was great support from the members on one of the special weekends in the club’s year. The winner played fantastic golf over two rounds, building up a sizable lead and held on as the pack came back at him in squally conditions during the nine hole play-off, well done Bertie Keane.  1st Bertie Kerane, 2nd Bernie O’Rourke, 3Rd.  Joe Kennedy, Gest Gross, Sean P Guerins, 5th. Brian Hennessy, 6th. Gerry Keegan, First 18, Seanie Gleeson, Second 18, Ciaran Hassett, Past Captain Tommy Foley, Best Senior, Martin Mullally, Best Junior Billy Collier.  Well done to Captain  Les Mason on a great weekend of golf.  Well done also to Patrick Shelly and Dennis Maher for having the course in such a magnificent condition, it was fantastic.


Women’s Munster Semi Final 

21st. July.  Congratulations to the women with their triumph win in Fota Island V East Cork in the Munster Semi Final Trophy Cup . This is a fantastic achievement for our club and we wish the ladies the very best of luck going forward.


Social Mixed.   

24th. July.  Results,  1st.  Pat O’Connell, Ambrose Purcell, Pauline Purcell, 29.5 nett.  Best Gross, Les Mason, Mary O’Connor, Helen Hayes 37.


Men’s Seniors.

25th. July.  The band that are the seniors got back together and formed seven teams for their usual nine holes of champaign scramble. The weather was as changeable as it has been throughout this “summer” but again the scoring was good. In with 54 points was Jim Russell, Colm Dooley and Mick Maher. Then we had three teams on 52 points so on count back we had in 2nd. place our President Tommy Foley, Tom Kenny and Jame Murray, and in 3rd. place again on count back we have John Galvin, Paddy Fogarty, Jim Gilmartin and George Collins. Well done all.


Juvenile Summer Academy.  Every Wednesday from 3rd. July at 10 am followed by Ladies /Beginners at 11 am.  Contact Pat O’Connell 087 9205821.

Upcoming events,

Club Classic. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. Aug.

President Prize.  9th, 10th. and 11th. August.

Juvenile Summer Academy.  Every Wednesday from 3rd. July at 10 am followed by Ladies /Beginners at 11 am.


News up to Sunday 21st July 2024

Templemore Captains Les Mason and Caroline Fogarty Hosting the Social Mixed in Templemore Golf Club on Wed 17th.


Social Mixed.

17th. July.  Social Mixed.  A huge attendance.  Thanks to everyone for  from both myself and Les. It is our honour to be Captains for 2024 and to have the support of our club members. Great golf and some not so good golf, speaking on behalf of myself for this one,  but a very enjoyable round all the same. I wish Les the very best in his weekend ahead and hope weather holds for him.  Also wish Michelle and team the very best in the Munster Trophy semi final on Sunday in Fota.


Captains Social Mixed

17th. July.  Results.  1st. Team,  Ger Lynch, Mick Carey, Carol Hassett.  2nd. Team,  Dee Hayes, Maureen Connolly, Jerome Ryan, Tom McGrath.  3rd. team Magaret Buckley, Kathleen Collier, Seamus Bourke.


Irish Mixed Four ball.

13th. July.  Congratulation to our Irish Mixed Four ball team of Michelle Hassett, Mary Fitzpatrick, Claire Fitzpatrick, Lorraine Ryan, Padraig Moloney, Sean Cashman, Jerome Ryan and Bertie Keane went to East Cork and come away won 2,  1 halved and one called in in which we were up in at the time so a fantastic run Good Luck in the next round.


Munster Semi Final .

21st July.  Templemore ladies head to Fota Island to play East Cork in a Munster Semi Final of the Munster Trophy Cup .This is a fantastic achievement for our club and we wish the ladies the very best of luck.


Captain’s Seniors

17th.July. The weather was good in 1st. place with 55 points on count-back Mick Carey, John Egan, Seanie Gleeson, Mick Maher.   2nd. place also on 55 points Jim Russell, John Galvin, Mick Murphy and Phil Ryan. 3rd. place with 53 points on countback was John Hassett, Frankie Shortt, Jim Gilmartin and Jim Casey. Well played lads.

Upcoming events,


Juvenile Summer Academy.  Every Wednesday from 3rd. July at 10 am followed by Ladies /Beginners at 11 am.


Club Classic. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. Aug.


President Prize.  9th, 10th. and 11th. August.

News up to Sunday 7th July 2024

Templemore Golf Club winning team defeating Dundrum in the Munster Trophy Quarter Final.  L. R. Lorraine Ryan, Josie Bourke, Michelle Hassett.


Munster Trophy Competition.

28th, June.  Templemore ladies played  Dundrum in the Quarter Final Stage of the Munster Trophy Competition.  A great win  by Templemore.


“Play in Pink” brolly Competition.

1st July.  Winner of play in pink brolly is Josie Moloney.  Well done Josie and many thanks to all for supporting this worthy cause.


Club Classic.

2nd, 3rd. 4th. Aug..  A date for everyone’s diary.   Our club classic will take place over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday. Team of four, any combination. Entry fee is 100 euro per team. Entry will be via what’s app or notice board in locker room from next week onwards.   Please support the classic as it’s a very important part of our fundraising campaign. More details to follow.


50/50 draw. 

30th June.  Winner.  Jim Middleton, €150 euro.


Social mix

3rd July.  Winners 1st. John Greed, Peter Breen, Mary Gilmartin.  Gross.  Declan Kennedy, Sean Kennedy, Hazel Kennedy.


Seniors Golf.

4th. June.  6 teams went out on a blustery and showery day. 1st,   53 pts, Mick Carey, John Egan and Jim Gilmartin. 2nd. 51 pts, Ollie Murray, Frankie Shortt, Mick Murphy and George Collins. 3rd.

50 pts. Bernie O Rourke, John Mullally, John Stapleton and James Murray.


Women’s Golf.

2nd /6th. July   18hole Club competition.  1st.  Shelia Delaney, 2nd. Shauna Geary, 3rd,  Marian Hodgins .


Juvenile lessons

10th. July.  Commence on Wednesday 3rd. July at 10 am. Cost €5. This will be followed by Adults at 11 am Cost €10. Shane Ryan will be providing the coaching for 6 to 7 weeks.


Upcoming events,

Juvenile Summer Academy.  Every Wednesday from 3rd. July at 10 am followed by Ladies /Beginners at 11 am.

Club Classic. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. Aug.

Captain’s Prize. 19th, 20th. and 21st July.

Lady Captain’s Prize.  23rd. and 27th July.

President Prize.  9th, 10th. and 11th. August.


News up to Sunday 30th June 2024

Templemore Golf Club Vice Captain Prize Winners, B.R.  L.R.  Pat Dunne, Jerry Keegan Jnr, Michael Fogarty.   F.R.  L.R.  Sean Cashman, Vice Captain Sean Lee, Winner Pat Shelly, Gerry Keegan Snr, Captain Les Mason.


Vice Captains Competition.

28th, 29th, 30th. June.  Despite a weekend of variable weather, the Vice Captain’s Prize weekend was well supported and there was some fantastic scoring. It was a fantastic weekend of Golf.  The Course was in fantastic condition thanks to Dinny Maher and Pat Shelly.  The presentation was in the Club House at 18:45. We thank our sponsor Centra Templemore for supporting the Vice Captain’s competition.  The winners are:  Main Competition:  1st – Pat Shelly -44 points (Back 9).  2nd – Jerry Keegan Jnr – 44 points.  3rd – Gerry Keegan Snr – 41 points.  4th – Sean Cashman – 40 points.  5th – Pat Dunne – 39 points (Back 9).  6th – Michael Fogarty – 39 points.  Front 9 – Eamonn Connolly.  Back 9 – Frankie Shortt.  Junior Competition:  1st place -Peter Breen 44 points.  2nd Place – Sean Kennedy 42 points  3rd place – Ryan Coleman.


Seniors Golf.

27th. June.  A big thank you to all who played and contributed to “Play in Pink.  It was a good turn out for a worthy cause and the Seniors contribution of €100.  So thank you. The weather was mixed but the bon ami was as always excellent and there was some good golf played by the six teams that took part in 1st. place with 58 points were Sean Cashman, Mick Murphy, John Egan and Jim Middleton. In 2nd. place with 57 points was Ailbe Egan, Tommy Foley, Tony O’Toole, and Jim Gilmartin and in 3rd. place with 55 points were Ollie Murray, Frankie Shortt, Michael Healy and Liam Leahy. Well played all.


Juvenile lessons.

3rd July  Wednesday at 10 am the lessons will commence.  The cost will be €5. This will be followed by Adults at 11 am Cost €10. PRO, Shane Ryan will be providing the coaching for 6 to 7 weeks.


Women’s Golf.

25th. June.  18Hole SF. “Play In Pink”  1st. Evelyn Lyons 47pts, Marian Hodgins 42pts, Breda O’Connell41pts.


Mixed 4 Ball.

28th. June.  Templemore Beat Clonmel in Clonmel.  Well done on a great win. 3.5 to 0.5.. Never easy in Clonmel. Cobh or East Cork in next round. Congratulations to all.


Munster Trophy Competition.

23rd. June.  Templemore Women played Dundrum this Sunday in the Quarter Final Stage of the Munster Trophy Competition.  3 players in Dundrum: 4pm Josie Bourke, Lorraine Ryan, Michelle Hassett.  2 players in Templemore:4.30pm.  Claire Fitzpatrick & Breda O’Connell.  A great win by Templemore.


Upcoming events,

Juvenile Summer Academy.  Wednesday 3rd. July at 10 am followed by Ladies /Beginners at 11 am.

Club Classic. 5th, 6th and 7th July.

Captain’s Prize. 19th, 20th. and 21st July.

Lady Captain’s Prize.  23rd. and 27th July.

President Prize.  9th, 10th. and 11th. August.