The Captains Prize; The Captain’s Prize Week, kindly presented by Martin Bohan will be from Saturday 22nd. July to Sunday 30th. July. All eligible members are invited to participate. Timesheets are in the club room. There is also a Ladies Captain’s Prize presented by Josie Bourke, played on Tuesday 25th. July. Those entering the competitions must be fully paid up members. There will be a full week of Golf, so lots of opportunities to sharpen your game and your pencil for the main event “The Captains Prize” commencing on Friday. 28th.
Captains Golf Week Agenda;
Sat. 22nd. LMC Alliance. Large numbers are expected for this event.
Sun. 23rd. Four Ball any combination, Semi Open.
Mon. 24th. 9 Hole Senior Ladies and Gents, Domestic H\Caps.
Tues. 25th. Lady Captains Josie Bourke’s Day 1, 18Hole.
Wed. 26th. Visitors Day and Guests 9 Hole Stableford.
6 PM. Captain’s Social Mixed.
Thur. 27th. Captains Senior Day at 10.30am.
Fri. 28th. Men’s Captain’s Day 1. Commencing at 2pm. (Course Closed until 2pm.)
Sat. 29th. Men’s Captain’s Day 1.
Sun. 30th. Men’s Day 2. Commencing at 8am. to 9.30 and 11.30 to 12.30.
Ladies Day 2. Commencing at 2pm. to 3.30.
Men’s Final 9 Hole, commencing at 5pm.
Food will be served upstairs in the lounge by Murphy’s. The Traditional Irish Pub award winners.
(Place your order before playing).
Sun. 30th. The presentation of all prizes will be in the Templemore Arms with Music, Song and Dancing. A
great night of entertainment to finish off a great week of Golf.
Men’s Singles Match play Draw; All first round matches are now in Progress and should be concluded by 23rd. July. Both players will be eliminated for matches not completed on time, and also they will forfeit their fee. The entry fee is €10 payable prior to playing. Play off Handicap on date of Match. Rounds 2, 3, and 4 will be completed on a weekly basis in August. The Preliminary Round Players are; A, Denis Maher V’s Pat Looby. B, PJ. Leah V’s , John Stapleton. C, Jim Ryan V’s Michael Webster. D, Seamus Bourke V’s Pat Shelly. Round 1; 1, Winners B V’s Tony O’Toole. 2, Jerry Keegan Jnr. V’s Ted Kennedy. 3, Jim Russell V’s Martin Bohan. 4, Denis Ryan V’s Kevin Hassett. 5, Bernie O’Rourke V’s Conor Scott. 6, Joe O’Connor V’s Frank Russell. 7, Les Mason V’s Sean Lee. 8, Garrett Kelleher V’s Dessie Hennessy. 9, Conor Sheedy V’s Winners A. 10, Paul Tuohy V’s George Collins. 11, Tom McGrath V’s Winners C. 12, Myles McMorrow V’s Eoin Bourke. 13, Eamon Connolly V’s Winners D. 14, Keith Morris V’s Tim Tuohy. 15, Matt Butler V’s Hugh Scott. 16, Declan Kelly V’s Tom Harris. Best of Luck to all.
HolmPatrick Cup; John Hassett and Kevin Hassett ( Sub for, Ted Kennedy) are selected to go forward to represent Templemore Golf Club in the County Final on Monday 24th. July in Dundrum, and then to the Regional Final. The four regional winners then play off for the cup in St. Andrews, the home of golf for the NCBI Specsavers HolmPatrick Cup.
The Diageo Mixed Foresomes V’s Birr, has been deferred. The dates are not yet sorted, but they will have to be played before 15th. August, for the Semi-finals in Roscrea. Home Pairings will be 3 and away Pairings will be 2. The Panel is; Tom McGrath, Denis Tuohy, Denis Maher, Martin Bohan, Seamus Bourke, Mick Keely, Joe O’ Connor, Tim Tuohy, Padraigh Moloney. Sile Keely, Sadie Tynan, Josie Bourke, Kathleen Maher, Mary Lou Carroll, Anne O’ Rourke, Sara Hearne, Sheila Delaney, Mary Ann Maher, Mary Hayes. If anyone is unavailable contact Captain @ 087-0509278. The best of Luck to all.
Templemore Golf Club Classic in August; This is Your Club, the members, both Ladies and Gents, therefore it is important to be pro-active in raising funds for the maintenance of the course, equipment service, replacement, and the purchase of new equipment required to continue the upkeep of this wonderful course. Subs paid will not be sufficient to expand on this requirement that will give you the members a first class Golf Course. This is your golf course, be proud of it, and supportive of it, in whatever way you can by raising sponsorship, donations or helping out on the volunteer team. Donations can be made on line on our web site.
Competition Results; Sat. 8th.. and Sun. 9th. 18hole Stroke Play. The winners were; 1st. Tony O’Toole. 67 Nett. 2nd. Tom Quinlan, 68 Nett. 3rd. Hugh Scott, 69nett. There was a great turn out for this event and especially on Sunday AM. The result was very close but congratulations to Hugh Scott (Juvenile) showing great promise for the future and for the future of Golf in Templemore to see young players coming through.
Juvenile Golf Lessons; There is a constant great attendance to these lessons which delayes the enthusiasm of the Juveniles and their willingness to play this great game and also encouraging to see interest in the guidelines, rules and ethics of the game. These lessons are a fantastic opportunity for young people to take up this Great Game. The next sessions are on the 21st. and 28th. July. at 10am. under the guidance of a PGA professional. A competition will take place on the 28th. and we all wait with interest to accolade the winners. “ The future of the club”. These lessons are open to all juveniles who have an interest taking up golf as a hobby sport and joining those that already enjoy this great game. Anyone wishing to participate and do not have Golf Clubs, don’t worry, the Club will provide these for you on the day of the lesson. Just turn up on the day or Contact; Pat O’Connell 087-9205821 for any further details.
Time Sheets; The time sheets are now out for the Captains Prize, Day 1 Fri. 28th. and also Day 1 option Sat. 29th. The final Day on Sun. 30th. Get your name in as soon as possible to secure your place, as there is a huge interest in this event.
Web Site; Thanks to Pat Costello for forwarding some memory named photos of past members and past events. These are now on the web site and facebook, do select the “Share” button on facebook to share with your friends. This is great platform opportunity to record all events both current and past in Ladies and Gents Golf. It’s Important to record any historical events, competition results, Members photos of past activities of the Club. This is an important opportunity to promote the Club as a Vibrant and Active Club for almost 40 years via the web and Facebook. Contact; Tony 0868209991.
Fixtures: Social Mixed on each Wed. evening. The Draw will commence at 6.30pm. Sharp.
Saturday and Sunday’s 18 hole Competition refer to the sign in book for details.
Captains Prize week, Sat. 22nd to Sunday 30th. July
Golfer of the Year; It’s important that all members compete in all competitions throughout the year. This will Increase your “Golfer of the Year” points.
Away Scoring Recording Form; A reminder that all away scores are to be recorded on the “Away Record Form” on the notice board, for Non Qualifying, Society, Fourball and Team Events. All members are requested to respect this request so that a better accuracy can be applied to the formation of handicaps.
Ladies Golf; Results; Tuesday July 4th. 18 hole Stableford Club Competition; 1st. Ann O Rourke (23) 36pts.
Tuesday July 12th.; 18 hole stableford sponsored by Butler’s Farm Machinery Templetuohy. 1st. Margie Costigan(25) 36pts. 2nd. Sadie Tynan(17) 34pts. 3rd. Josie Bourke(13) 34 pts.
Social mixed; Wednesday July 13th. 1st. Mary Hogan, Seamus Bourke, Michael Webster 25.3. 2nd. Paul Tuohy, Declan Kelly, Breda Murphy 26.2 . 3rd. Mary Ryan, Liam Daly, Eileen Curtin, John Coleman 26.2.
Lady Captain Josie Bourke’s Prize will take place on Tuesday July 25th. and Sunday July 30th. please sign on clubhouse notice board with your preference for draw time before Friday July 21st. Best of luck to all and let’s hope for fine weather.
The Ladies Social Mix is a great social event. All members should make a special effort to participate each Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. Followed by the hospitality of Tea, Sandwiches, Scones and Banter. A wonderful event.
New Members; Why Join;
- Good Outdoor Exercise; 9 holes + 2hrs. 18 Holes = 4hrs.
- Good Social occasions, Presentation Nights, Social Mixed, Senior Events and Away Trips.
- The Handicap System allows members of different abilities an equal chance of winning.
- Various Category of Memberships are available at different rates. ( see Membership rates on our web site).
- Full Annual Membership €370 = Approx. to only €1 per day.
New members are the lifeline of the club, so all existing members are encouraged to tell all your friends to take up membership and test their skills on this challenging Golf course. Registrations Forms for new members are now available on line on our new web site, or at the club house or contact Martin Bohan 087 0509278. All are welcome, tell all friends.
Volunteers; The excellent condition of the course would not be possible without the volunteers. All volunteers are welcome, just check in with the course Volunteer organiser, John Stapleton 086-0894718 to offer any skills that will make improvements i.e. Grass Cutting, Bunker Raking, Strimming of all edges, Drains, Pat-ways and Bunkers, Carpentry, Maintenance or others, or just turn up at your own convenience. All will be appreciated. A special thanks to the course Manager Liam Leahy and the Greenkeeper John Alexandra for their great efforts in the engineering of new additional drainage on the course. A lot of hard work. Well done to both.
Unwanted Golf Clubs are still wanted, to help those that want to start playing this wonderful game, but do not have Golf Clubs. This project is ongoing in conjunction with Templemore Lions Club. To donate to this very worthwhile project, please contact any member of the Lions Club or The Templemore Golf Club Juvenile Officer, Pat O’Connell; 087 9205821 or just leave them into the Golf Club. This is a great opportunity to help young people and others to become active in the great sport of Golf. Have a look into your old Golf Bags/closet, and it doesn’t matter what condition the clubs are in, they will all be appreciated.
Seniors Report and Results; Thurs. 13th July. The results are as follows; 1st. Team; Dinny Toohey, Tom Hogan, Willie Haverty. 2nd. Team; Donal Goldin, Ml Webster, Pat o Connell, John Brown. 3rd. John Hassett, Joe Clark, John Mulalley.
All Senior Golfers are reminded to avail of the opportunity of a great day of Seniors Golf in Tipp Town on the 20th. July. A fantastic deal, €25 for a round of golf and a meal. The teams will be displayed on the committee window on Monday 17th. after dinner. Get your name onto the list now by contacting; John Stapleton @ 086-0894718.
New Seniors Members; All Senior Golfers and visiting Golfers 55+ or anyone in retirement that want a social sport activity are more than welcome to enjoy an excellent social opportunity to play this great game with like-minded golfers. Just turn up on Thursday mornings at 10am.
Senior Fixtures; Next Seniors, Thursday 20nd. July. in Tipp Town on the 20th. July. A fantastic deal €25 for a round of golf and a meal.
LMC Fixtures; Templemore on Saturday 22nd. July. This will be a great event for Templemore Golf Club with close to 100 golfers taking part and especially when it’s on a Saturday. All LMC fixtures are on the notice Board in Club House or the LMC web site.
Golf thought for the week; “The stages of golf are Sudden Collapse, Radical Change, Complete Frustration, Slow Improvement, Brief Mastery, and Sudden Collapse..” – Stephen Harper.