Templemore Golf Club Notes;
Templemore Golf Club is a very active and vibrant Golf Club, a read of the following ongoing weekly activities prove this. The course has a long tradition of providing top class golf facilities to members and visitors and also national and regional competitions. The Course was established in 1970 and with our course and clubhouse we are able to offer superb facilities to all categories of golfers. It is a great asset to the community of Templemore and Golfers travel far and wide to be members and or to take part of this wonder amenity to test their golfing skills. To become a member check out our application form on our web site.

Competition Results;
Sat. 13th, Sun,14th. 18 hole Stableford. 1st. Gary Roche, 2nd. Hugh Scott (Juvinile), 3rd. Mick Kealy. It was great to see a Juvenile featuring in the winner’s circle. An indication that Templemore Golf Club has great potential for Juvenile players. Well done Hugh.
Social Event; Templemore Golf Club Social Nite will be on Friday June 2nd. In Polly’s Pub. There will be a presentation of prizes, Men’s and Ladies League and week-end prizes to date. Entertainment will be provided. This is always a great Social event and everybody is invited including non-golfers Ladies and Gents. Make this your Social Nite Out. The entertainment and Banter is always second to none. Commencing 9.30 till late!!!.
Sunday Time Sheet; Now that there is longer daylight and summer in the air it is great to see Golfers on the course early on Sunday mornings. The Club encourages all players to take part in this competition and make Sunday a great day of Golf. It is Important that players select their times and enter it on the timesheet to avoid hold up in play. Also to have all details completed on their card especially their Membership Number.
Member Subs are now due, so please pay A.S.A.P.
Payment of Subs are now requested as soon as possible and can now be paid online on the club web site by PayPal or with Debit or Credit Card. You can also make a donation payment on line and all will be appreciated. There is a list on the Club notice board of those that have paid and those that still have to pay. Subs are the backbone of the club so payment is expected as soon as possible.
Web Site;
Our new web site is constantly been added with new features on all sectors relating to the Golf Club activities and the course. The site is now connected to “Facebook” so that members on face book will get an automatic notification of any news posted on the web page. We encourage all to select the “LIKE” button so that the news will also go to all of your friends. Photos are been added regularly into the photo gallery, so have a look you may be in the mix. Any historical photo’s and competition photo’s would be welcomed, contact Tony 0868209991. Also a “Pay on Line” feature for those that find it more convenient to pay their Fee, which at this time of year players are requested to have their dues payed.
June 4th.Inter Club 4 Ball in Cahir Park Vs Cahir. There is an eligible players list posted on the Notice Board. Entries are requested before 4th June. Or Contact John Stapleton 086 0894718.
The Singles League competition will continue throughout the weeks, Fee €5 Re-entry €3.
Social Mixed on each Wed Evening. The Draw will commence at 6pm Sharp.
Sunday’s 18 hole Competition, see time sheet for details.
Singles League is currently ongoing, one each week. Round 1, 9 Holes. Round 2, 9 holes. Round 3, 11 Holes. Round 4, 11 Holes. See Notice Board for details, Entry fee €5 re-entry €3.
May 20th & 21st 18 Hole Stroke GOY Competition.
May 27th. Pierce Purcell Team Play Mitchelstown in Cahir Park Golf Club.
May 27th & 28th 18 Hole Stableford.
June 4th.Inter Club 4 Ball in Cahir Park Vs Cahir Entries Requested before 4th June, entry sheet on the Notice board. Or Contact John 086 0894718.
Golfer of the Year; Participating in all competitions throughout the year will Increase your “Golfer of the Year” points. All away scores are to be recorded on the “Away Record Form” on the notice board.
Ladies Golf; The Ladies Social Mix is gathering momentum. All members should make a special effort to participate in this great Social event each Wednesday evening at 6pm. Followed by their hospitality of Tea, Sandwiches, scones and banter. A wonderful event and all are to be congratulated for organising the event. Keep it up Ladies and well done.
The results for “18 Hole Club Stableford” Competition on Tuesday 16th. May. 1st. Maryanne Maher (22) 34 pts, 2nd. Lorraine Bourke (35) 33 pts. C. S. S. 35.
Miscellaneous Events;
Congratulations to Our Club “chef de cuisine” Rody Cawley for a fantastic presentation account on “John Morrissey, The boxer” in the McCawley Centre in Templemore on Friday 19th. “Historical Association nite” to a packed hall and also to our incoming Captain Tommy Fowley for a brilliant rendition of “John Morrissey and the Russian Sailor” a fantastic performance by both, well done.
An assurance that Vibrancy is well and alive in the Club.
Templemore Golf Twinning in Italy. Last Places available;
The “Twin Town Cup” Competition between Templemore and 2 Twin Towns from France and Italy will take place on Sept 9th. This is a great event in profiling our club to been vibrant and active and also a return visit from the away clubs to Templemore to sample Templemore Golf Club hospitality. If you have any difficulty in making arrangements, or for more information, contact Club Captain Martin Bohan 087-05092 or Club Treasurer Tom McGrath 087-4132691. All details will be on the Club House notice board.
Unwanted Golf Clubs are still wanted, to help those that want to start playing this wonderful game, but do not have Golf Clubs. This project is ongoing in conjunction with Templemore Lions Club. To donate to this very worthwhile project, please contact any member of the Lions Club or The Templemore Golf Club Juvenile Officer, Pat O’Connell; 087 9205821 or just leave them into the Golf Club. This is a great opportunity to help young people and others to become active in the great sport of Golf. Have a look into your old Golf Bags/closet, and it doesn’t matter what condition the clubs are in, they will all be appreciated.
Templemore Golf Club Customised Gear; If you need a replacement to your Club Jumpers or Tee Shirts with the Club Logo on them, they are now on display and available with John Mullaly.
New Members;
Why Join;
- Good Outdoor Exercise; 9 holes + 2hrs. 18 Holes = 4hrs.
- Good Social occasions, Presentation Nights, Social Mixed, Senior Events and Away Trips.
- The Handicap System allows members of different abilities an equal chance of winning.
- Various Category of Memberships are available at different rates. ( see Membership rates on our web site).
- Full Annual Membership €370 = Approx. to only €1 per day.
New members are the lifeline of the club, so all existing members are encouraged to tell all your friends to take up membership and test their skills on this challenging Golf course.
Registrations Forms for new members are now available on line on our new web site, or at the club house or contact Martin Bohan 087 0509278. All are welcome.
The Golf Course:
The course is in great shape under the guidance of Course Manager Liam Leahy, our Green Keeper John Alexandre and our “Volunteer” organiser John Stapleton who organises the team of voluntary workers which is always appreciated in profiling this vibrant Golf Club amenity.
URGENT; “Adopt a Bunker” The adopt a bunker plan is a great success in keeping them in great condition. All volunteers are welcome, just check in with Liam Leahy, Course Manager, 087 4115773 or our course Volunteer organiser John Stapleton 086-0894718 to offer any skills that will make improvements i.e. Grass Cutting, Bunker Raking, Strimming of all edges Drains, Patways and Bunkers, Carpentry, Maintenance or others, or just turn up at your own convenience. All will be appreciated.
Seniors Report and Results Thurs. 18th May.
The results are as follows;
1st Sean Lee, John Mullaly, John Clarke, Jim Gleeson. 2nd Team, Tom Harris, Donal Golden, Willie Haverty. 3rd, Team. Eddie Butler, John Brown, Tom Hogan, Tom Kennedy.
New Seniors Members;
All Senior Golfers and visiting Golfers 55+ are more than welcome to enjoy an excellent social opportunity to play this game with likeminded golfers.
Next Seniors, Friday 26th. May. Due to the LMC in Portumna on Thursday 25th
Usual time 10am. for entries to start no later than 10-30am. Fee €5 which include Golf, Tea, Sandwich’s and the Banter.
1st. away event is in Rathdowney, on the 8th. June. There is great interest in this event and the list is already showing a full members participation. Contact John Stapleton 086-0894718 to secure your entry.
LMC Fixtures. Portumna Thurs. 25th. May. East Clare, 12th. June. Templemore on Saturday 22nd. July. All LMC fixtures ore on the notice Board in Club House or the LMC web site..
Golf thought for the week; “Success in this game of Golf depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character.” – Arnold Palmer.