Templemore Golf Club, Junior Cadet, Michelle and Ciaran Hassett with their son Cormac, introduction to the Great Game of Golf. (Photo by, Seamus Bourke)
Templemore Golf Club News;
Sat 17th. Sun 18th. Oct. 18/hole Stableford. A phenomenal turn out of players which contributed consistently to a very competitive competition. This week winners. 1st. ANNON. 2nd. Tom Kennedy. 3rd. Hugh Scott.
Next Week-end, Sat 24th. Oct. Sun. 25th. & Mon. 26th. Oct. 3 – Person Champagne Scramble.
Men’s Seniors Thurs 15th. Oct. Once again, another great turnout of 11 teams with some great scores. In 1st. place with 56pts. Bertie Keane, Michael Webster, Tom Hogan, and Philip Ryan. 2nd. with 54pts. Ambrose Purcell, Liam Leahy, Joe Hennessy, and Pat Costello. and in 3rd. place on a count back with 38pts. on the last 6, Ger Clifford, Donal Golden, Michael Maher and John Browne.
Reminder about Tipp Town which is on next Friday. Because of Covid 19 their Clubhouse will be out of bounds. We will be going there to play golf only, bring your own car boot goodies if you wish. Golf and prizes €15 per player and don’t forget to send in your name by Wednesday evening 6pm.
50/50 lotto week 18th. Oct. Latest 50/50 winner is Frances O’Neill. Captain Tom McGrath. “Well done to all for your continued support of this venture which has raised 2300 euro for Club funds to date”.
Ladies 18 Hole Stableford Sat 10th. Oct. Winners; 1st. Kay Brennan. 2nd. Sadie Tynan. 3rd. Joan Shortt.
New On-Line Tee Booking System; The club new “Online Booking System” can be accessed on our Web site; www.templemoregolfclub.ie no access to the course will be allowed without booking through the new system also registering on the “Covid-19 Tracing Register”. Visitors can contact info@templemoregolfclub.ie to request Tee times or link up with an existing member.
New Members are more than welcome.
Select the “New Members” tab on the web site and complete the ONLINE application form and select submit.
Then select the “FEE” tab and proceed with payment.
If any difficulty contact Tony by text @ 086-8209991.
Make Golf a Life Changing Gift; Give a life changing Sport experience to someone. The Ideal gift for anyone who would like to take part in an active exercise sport. Golf is that Ideal Gift. Buy a membership Voucher now. Contact Pat O’Connell 087-9205821 or any of the committee for to purchase the “Ideal Active Present”.
Golf Active in Retirement for 2020; For the active retirement, this is an excellent activity. You will be more than welcome.
Why Join;
- Good Outdoor Exercise; 9 holes + 2hrs. 18 Holes = 4hrs.
- Good Social occasions, Presentation Nights, Social Mixed, Senior Events and Away Trips.
- The Handicap System allows members of different abilities an equal chance of winning.
- Various Category of Memberships are available at different rates. ( see Membership rates on our web site).
The club will assist you in starter clubs to get you going. Contact any current member for assistance and you will be looked after.
Private Donations for Course Development; Donations, sponsorship, will be greatly received now that the club will have its own autonomy and will be used exclusively for Course Development. Put your stamp on the course making a special contribution. For Donations, Just select the “FEE” tab and then select “Make a Donation” tab on the Club Web Site http://templemoregolfclub.ie/membership/ , or in confidence contact; Club Captain Tom McGrath 087-1147666.
Next Fixtures;
Next Week-end, Sat 24th. Oct. Sun. 25th. & Mon. 26th. Oct. 3 – Person Champagne Scramble.