News up to Sunday 25th August 2024

Womens Captains Prize.

12th. Aug.  After a very successful week of golf the overall winner was Mary Butler, Presentation by Women’s Captain Caroline Fogarty.


Annual 50/50 

The annual subscription to the 50/50 has come to an end. So the club wants to offer the same great deal that was offered last year for €100 you get three entries into each fortnightly draw (that’s 26 draws) and for €50 one entry into each fortnightly draw (also 26 draws).  The 50/50 draw was introduced to supplement the machinery that maintains the course in the fantastic condition it is in for you to enjoy your course and your golf. So please take this opportunity to support the club and be in with a chance to win through the year.  Payment can be made directly online into the club’s bank account.  IBAN; IE21BOFI90445678133532, BIC; BOFIIE2D.

By cash deposit into the clubhouse either directly to a Committee Member or into the 50/50 box located in the Foyer or in either of the drop boxes in the Ladies or Men’s Locker rooms.  Either way you pay please identify the payment or envelope clearly with your name to ensure we can correctly deliver your winnings.  Thank you in advance and also wish you good luck in the draws throughout the year.


Social Mixed 


21st. Aug.  1st.  Mary Ryan, John Fitzpatrick,  24.1 nett.  Best Gross. Niamh Connelly, Mick Carey, John Greed, 34.  From  Ann Hogg,

Liam Daly, Joe Fahy, 34.


Diageo Competition.

23rd. Aug.  Our gallant Diageo mixed team were beaten by Roscrea today, well played all thank you for representing our club so well.


Men’s Senior Golf.

22nd Aug.  On a day when the strong winds blew in some extra late entry’s that were most welcome and brought the number of teams up to eight. In 1st place with a fantastic 57 points was Bertie Keane, John Mullally, John Stapleton and Phil Ryan Snr. In 2nd place with 54 points Jim Russell, Frankie Shortt, Les Mason and Eoin Wolahan and in 3rd place with 53 points Liam Daly, Tommy Foley, Michael Healy and Jim Hennessy. Great shooting everyone.