Templemore Golf Club, Ray Meagher President 2003. Deceased 25th. Nov. 2021.
Templemore Golf Club, P.J. Leahy Captain 2007. Deceased 25th. Nov. 2021.
It is with great regret that two former executive members of the club passed away peacefully on Thursday 25th..Nov. 2021. Ray Meagher President in 2003 and P.J. Leahy Captain in 2007. Both made an incalculable contribution to the club over the years. They were highly respected by all members, with great stories of both. P.J. Leahy will by especially missed by the Club Seniors, as Chairman, he was dedicated to the functions of the seniors and always made time for each member. Templemore Golf Club members extend their deepest sympathy to both families and friends. May they rest in peace.
Club, Mark of respect.
The course was closed to 2pm on Sun. 28th. and Mon. 29th. A well-attended guard of honour was provided by the committee and members for both Ray and PJ. All competitions and the 50/50 draw are deferred to next week.
Future Competition Dates.
Next week 4th. and 5th. Dec. competitions will resume.
Seniors. Every Thursday 9 AM.