News up to Sunday 9th March

Templemore Golf Club, 2025 Drive-in, Captain Sean Lee, Club President Mary Fitzpatrick, Lady Captain Helen Hayes, Competition Secretary Tom McGrath, Club Chaplin Fr Domonic Meehan.



9/3.  The club could not have wished for a better weather day.  It was exceptional, the best day of the year with blue skies.  It gave the ambiance of a day in the Algarve. Perhaps it was the sprinkle of holy water by Fr. Domonic that cleared the heavens for a fantastic day of golf.  The turnout of players competing was a record.   The course was in exceptional condition thanks to our green keepers Pat Shelly and Dinny Maher, despite the constant plague of inclement weather.  Master of ceremonies were Hon. Competition Secretary Tom McGrath.  Best wishes were extended by all to incoming Captain Sean Lee, Inaugural Club 1st. Lady President under the new “One Golf For All” Mary Fitzpatrick and the incoming Lady Captain Helen Hayes.  Also, to all the volunteers that helped out on the day.

Drive-in Winners.  1st Team, Donal Hayes, Pat Shelly, Breda O’Connell and ANNA Cashman 26.0.   2nd. Team, Mick Keely, John Greed, Joe Fahey, and Mary Hayes 26.8. 3rd. Team, Declan Kennedy, Mick Cahill, George Collins and Margie Costigan 27.0.  Congratulations to all.


50/50 Fund Raiser.

9/3.  €150 euro went to Sean Cashman.

5/3.  €120 euro went to Danny Delaney, Roscrea.


Spring League.

7/3.  68 signed up so far. List attached for info. Any additions or amendments contact Tom McGrath.

The runners have been sorted into 18 teams. Wk. 1 is over holes 1 -11 and is open to all male members. Details on board in locker room.  Rounds 2 to 4 will be over 12 to 15 holes each, depending on ground conditions. Week 2 starts on 14th. and runs to Sunday 23rd. Weeks 3 and 4 follow that same pattern. A super response, you must support your team now !!  Let the games begin !!


2025 Membership FEES.

7/3.  As the Golf year officially kicked off on Sunday 9th. All are reminded that your fee for 2025 is now over-due.   There are a number of ways of paying membership for 2025 as outlined below:

  1. FAST TRACK payment by Revolut to Eamon Connolly on 086 0213376 (please include name and membership number)
  2. Online Banking Transfer; IE21BOFI90445678133532, BIC; BOFIIE2D. (it’s very important to put your name on the transfer/ membership number to identify who has paid)
  3. Fees Box in the hall in the Clubhouse (name, category and amount paid on envelope)

Please note that new members to the club must fill out a membership form. These can be located on the club website []   “New Members Form” and select send, also available in the club house.


Dunbeg Outing.

10/3 .  Golf outing to Doonbeg on Monday April 14th. First tee off at ten past one. To be included, send your name to Tommy Foley or on the Templemore Golf Club Members App.  The round is €60 euro plus 10 euro for prizes. Let Tommy Foley know if you wish to travel and play with other players. Money left over for prizes will be donated to Templemore Golf Club.


JB Carr

10/3.  NEWSFLASH: Draw for JB Carr just released. We play Nenagh away in Round 1 by 25th April.


Men’s Seniors.

6/3.  On a cool dry day, 8 teams wandered around the hallowed turf of Templemore Golf club in 1st. place with 59 points, Ollie Murray, Pat O’Connell, Mick Murphy and Jimmy Middleton. In 2nd place, with 58 points on count back Mick Carey, Colm Dooley, Joe Hennessy and Jim Casey. In 3rd. place also with 58 points Sean Cashman, John Greed, Tony O’Toole and Phil Ryan (Snr) great shooting lads.  After all the hype of the fantastically attended Captains drive and scramble its back to the norm, so if you want to play in the Seniors on Thursday 13th. March. Have your name in by 10am. Wednesday please.


Ladies Golf.

11/3.  Next Tuesday 11th. march the final of the Alliance Captain s prize in Rathdowney 9-30 to 11-30,  please text names and index handicap and if eating.  Rules must have played 3 times in alliance since September.  On Going 9-hole competition is still happening recommended to all to get out to practice.   €5 to enter €2 to renter.  Spring league starting names on sheet in clubhouse or on WhatsApp. Same format as last years Autumn league. Draw will take place 15th. March.  Commencing on 16th March .


Upcoming Events.

Inter Club Golf 2025

Draws for the various clubs have been made and are as follows;

JB Carr. We play Nenagh away in Round 1 by 25th April

Mixed Fourball – Home to Clonmel – Play by 18th.May.

Junior Cup – Home to Clonmel – Play by 24th. May.    

Mixed Foursomes – Home to Slievenamon – Play by 25th.May.

Pierce Purcell – Away to Co. Tipperary – Play by 1st. June.

Nevin Trophy (Perry) – Home to Slievenamon – Play by 9th.June.

Cashman Trophy – Away to Cahir Park – Play by 29th. June.

County Clubs Cup – Home to Lismore – play by 6th. July.

Qualifications criteria is broadly the same as previous years apart from one notable change.  ” A player in addition to having 20 scores on their “Record” must have had 4 of them in a previous year to be eligible”.  Dates listed are our first games, subsequent rounds are scheduled at 3 weeks intervals 9approx) after that.  Our Captain Sean Lee is in the process of putting Management Teams in place.  These along with the full rules for each event will be published in due course.