Templemore Golf Club Vice Captains Prize winner, presentation by Vice Captain Declan Kennedy to New Delaney.  Ned had a magnificent score of 77 Gross and 64 Net, just pipping three seasoned players who had 65 Net. Ned came trough the “Juvenile Summer School of Excellence” in Templemore Golf Club.  A young vibrant golfer to watch.   (Photo by Seamus Bourke)


Vice Captain’s, Declan Kennedy Appreciation.

I would like to thank Club Captain Jim Ryan for nomination me as his Vice Captain.  It’s a great honor to be asked to captain your golf club and one that I accepted gladly.  I will try to continue the great work provided by Jim and all past Captains.  I would also like to thank my wife Brenda for all her support and encouragement that she provides to me in all the decisions I make.  Next year will be the challenging year for me, but I know I have great people around me who can guide and assist me to fulfil my roles and duties.  Presently we have a wonderful strong dedicated committee who work tirelessly behind the scenes planning and organising everything for the benefit of the Club and its members.  We are now coming into a new phase in Templemore Golf.  The Club now have its own autonomy that will allow us to plan, for the future with greater certainty. The benefit of acquiring our own autonomy creates challenges and new responsibilities, but I’m sure with the people involved in this golf club they will be accomplished.

Before I start thanking people, I would first like to mention members who have recently passed on, Joe O’Connor and PJ Leahy come to mind.  They have provided the club with great memories, and they are very much missed and especially this week.  I would like to thank Dinny Maher for all his long hours and effort in getting the course in pristine condition for this weekend.  Also, Tom McGrath, Michael Webster, and Liam Leahy. The competition committee, Sean Lee, Les Mason, Declan Russell and Mick Keely who worked tirelessly and had everything running smoothly for the weekend, you made it very easy for me, thank you.  This weekend would not have been a success only for the effort that all the members gave in playing in such exceptionally hot (+30) conditions, a very big thank you to all for taking part in the competition.  I want to congratulate all the winners of the Vice Captains, especially the winner Ned Delaney, a young golfer to watch!! Ned had a magnificent score of 77 Gross and 64 Net, just pipping three seasoned players who had 65 Net.  Overall, it was a very enjoyable weekend, and I would again like to thank all who contributed to making this a great weekend of Golf.  Yours truly, Declan Kennedy


Vice Captains Prize Winners.

13th. & 14th. August. On a scorching (+30) weekend for golf, there was a great turn-out for Declan Kennedy’s Vice Captains prize.  In 1st. place with a net 64 was Ned Delaney.  2nd, on countback, with 65 net was Bertie Keane.  3rd.  Donal Golden also with 65 .  4th. Ted Kennedy also with 65 net.  5th.  with 66 net was Oliver Murray.  6th. place again on countback Michael Fogarty with Net 68.  The Best Front Nine with 38 shots was Pat Dunne.  The Best Back Nine, On Count Back, with 38 shots Declan Russell.  Well done to all for making this a great Golf Weekend.


Social Mix

10th. Aug.  Results: Results of Social Mixed:  1st. Team, John Stapleton, Pat Shelly, Paddy Bourke 25.1.  2nd:  Michael Webster, John Hassett, Mary Hogan 27.8.


Ladies 18hole Stableford.

9th. Aug..  1st. Mary Butler,  2nd. Della Ryan, 3rd. Bernie Stapleton.


Juvenile School of Excellence.

Commenced on Tuesday 12th July followed by Ladies lessons at 11 am.   The attendance by all continues, an indication the interest there is in taking up Golf as a recreation hobby.  The School is an embryonic for star players i.e. former student Ned Delaney winning the Vice Captains with a magnificent score of 77 and 64 net.  Contact Club Secretary Pat O’Connell, 087 9205821.  “GOLF IS FOR EVERYONE”


50/50 Draw.

Winner of the 50/50 draw on Sunday Aug 14th.  Martin Walsh, €200.

The 50/50 Draw is also available online for anyone who cannot make it to the club.  http://templemoregolfclub.ie/membership/ [templemoregolfclub.ie]


Seniors Results.

11th.Aug.  On a glorious sunny morning 7 teams took part.  1st. 55 pts.  John Kirwan, Jim Gleeson, Frankie Shortt, Phil Ryan.  2nd. 54 pts. Bertie Keane, Sean Cashman, Joe Hennessy, Willie Haverty.  3rd.  51 pts. Bernie O Rourke, Pat O Connell, Ollie Murray, James Murray.


“Golf is for Everyone” Membership Fe

Membership is now due. No fee means no entry to club competitions going forward, Master Score Board for Tee Bookings and Members WhatsApp.

Fees can be paid to any committee member, or placed in the FEE Box in the Locker room.  Alternative, you can pay on the web site.  http://templemoregolfclub.ie/membership/ [templemoregolfclub.ie]  All fee rates are on the Web Site.


Dates for your Diary.

Mixed Social.  Every Wed..

Seniors. Every Thursday 9 AM.

Presidents Prize, 3rd. and 4th. September.

Golf Classic.  Fri. 16th. Sat. 17th. Sun. 18th. September.