Templemore Golf Club News;

Captains Drive-in; The New Date is now arranged for Sunday 25th. Feb. 9hole S\F Mixed Scramble. Apologies have been expressed by Captain Tommy Foley for the many cancellations due to the continues bad weather. Registrations will commence at 12.30 with Tee off at 1 pm. All members are expected to support our Club Captains, Tommy Foley and Sara Hearne and Club Presidents, Phillip Ryan Snr. and Bernie Stapleton in make this a great solidarity start and support for your Golf Club for 2018. Refreshments will also be available for all in the club lounge after drive-in ceremony for those not taking part. Bring all your families and make this a great social event for all.
Congratulations; Congratulations to Mr.John Moloughney on his promotion to President of the Golf Union of Ireland. At the GUI AGM last Saturday 17th. February John was presented with his medal of Honour. This is a great historical occasion for Templemore Golf Club that one of its founder members achieved this prestigious position in the World of Golf. John in his presentation speech gave great credit to his own club Templemore Golf Club and on the development of the club by volunteers in setting the standard on course work achievements by volunteers. He also expressed his gratitude to his club by representation with former President (Current PRO) Tony O’Toole and Honorary Secretary Pat O’Connell. We wish him well and every success in his new post.
Historic AGM as Clubs steer GUI forward; The first meeting Since 1912 attended by clubs at the Annual General Meeting of the Golfing Union of Ireland on Saturday 17th. Feb. represented the most significant of a series of governance changes that the organisation has undergone in the last three years. Addressing the issue of One Governing Body, the Chairman added: “Over the past two years, the Discussions’ Group has consulted widely with all stakeholders in producing a Proposal for One Governing Body which was approved in principle by both Boards prior to Christmas. The Provincial Councils of the GUI and the District Executives of the ILGU are currently being briefed on the proposal and it is envisaged that if and when the final detailed proposal is approved by the GUI Board, Clubs will be invited to briefing sessions in March or April before being put to simultaneous EGMs of both the GUI and the ILGU.” “There will be an increased emphasis on golf development & promotion in the new body and significant additional investment in club services and club support”.
9 Hole Open Competition; The 9hole S/Ford Open competition will continue until further notice. Come in and play at any-time that suits you and you will be guaranteed a game. Fee; €5. Re-entry €3. All are welcome. New Rule; Entries to this competition can be included for H/C adjustments.
Names for the Spring League; Get your name onto the list now to avoid any delay on the start of the league. Draw for teams will take place on Wed. 21st. Feb. Entry fee €20. Don’t delay give this league your full support.
50/50 Lotto; The committee have agreed to commence a 50/50 Lotto as soon as possible. Full support by all members will be required to make this Lotto a great success. All funds will be for the development of the course, the replacement and purchase of new machinery that will improve our course conditions.
Membership Payment; You can pay into the “drop box” in the locker room or “pay online”, either way, as soon as possible! The following Rates are selected to make the membership affordable to all sectors of the community both home and way. Gent; €350. Lady; €300. Couple; €500. Country Member; €150. Beginner, Gent;(Annual Rate for 3 years). €200. Beginner, Lady;(Annual Rate for 3 years). €170. Junior: (15-18yrs.-2nd Level) €50. Students Green Fee Membership: (3rd. Level & Student Garda,.) €70. OAP/Clergy, Existing; €230. OAP/Clergy, New: €270. OAP/ Couple, Existing; €350. OAP/ Couple. New; €350. Unemployed; at the 1st. Jan. €270. Distance Members; (Lady & Gent, Outside 50k) €150. Juvenile; (Under 15yrs.) €25. Family; (Children under 15yrs.) €500. Green Fees; (No reduction for 9 hole) €10. Green Fee; Junior Juvenile or Student €5. Entry Fee; Suspended . Membership can be made direct to the club or distance membership and private subscriptions can be made online on the club web site; www.templemoregolfclub.ie
Membership voucher Gift; Gift Vouchers make the ideal present for Membership, Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Occasions or Corporate Incentive Presentations and Team Building for seasoned golfers, beginners and those that want to take up the Game of Golf; Visit our Web Site and order your voucher by selecting the “Membership” tab and scroll down to the “Voucher” button and order it on-line or contact the club number; 0504 31400 or any committee member or email; info@templemoregolfclub.ie
9 holes of Golf; Templemore Golf Course is available to all golfers, members and non-members and members from other clubs to get in your practice rounds, beginners, active retiree’s and families who want to take up the sport will get assistance from any committee member, here are some positive reasons for golfing in Templemore Golf Course;
Good Outdoor Exercise; 9 holes + 2hrs. 18 Holes = 4hrs.
Good Social occasions, Presentation Nights, Social Mixed, Senior Events and Away Trips.
The Handicap System allows members of different abilities an equal chance of winning.
Various Category of Memberships are available at different rates. (Membership rates are on our web site).
Full Annual Membership €350 = Approximately, only 95c. per day.
New members are the lifeline of the club, so all existing members are encouraged to tell all your friends to take up membership and test their skills on this challenging Golf course. Registrations Forms for new members are now available on-line on our web site, or at the club house or contact Martin Bohan 087 0509278 or any of the committee members. All are welcome.
New Members; All current members are encouraged to introduce only “ONE NEW MEMBER” Lady or Gent, Junior or Student, Senior or Family, Active Retiree’s or any person interested in taking up the sport. It will be a huge advantage to building the club membership.
Seniors Thursday 15th.Feb; Due to inclement weather the event was again cancelled. All is looking well for this Thursday 22nd.
GUI Handicap System Changes; Like golfers, the system does not stand still and a number of further refinements, borne out of experience and new evidence, were introduced with effect from 1 January, 2018. A number of key principles were taken into consideration during this review process, to encourage participation in both competition and social golf. Make the system fairer for players of all abilities. Make the handicapping system uniform throughout Great Britain & Ireland. In Ireland, it has been agreed that there will be a limit of 36 for men and 45 for ladies in respect of future initial handicap allotments.
Course Volunteer Work; A call up is required for the “Adopt A Bunker” volunteers to remove the winter look off the bunkers by raking and weeding. “Just call in and get on with the work”.
Your Swing Thought for the week; “