Templemore Golf Club, Vice Captains Prize Winners. B.R. L.R. Tom McGrath, Dermot Cooper, Martin Walsh, Donal Hayes. F.R. L.R. Sean Cashman, Vice Captain Les Mason, John Hassett, Mick Carey. (Photo by Seamus Bourke)
Vice-Captains Appreciation.
2nd. July. Vice-Captain Les Mason Appreciation. President Rody, Captain Declan, my fellow committee members and all my friends the members of Templemore golf club. Thank you for being here this evening I also want to thank all those that took part and those, while not able to play entered the competition. I cannot let the opportunity pass without saying a big thank you to Club Captain Declan Kennedy for nominating me as his Vice Captain. I am both proud and humble to be given the opportunity by Templemore golf club to give back a part of how much this club has given me in such a short time. As Declan said in his Captain’s speech last year 2022. we are entering a new phase of the club’s history with the signing of a 21year lease and the world golf initiative for inclusion as a “one club for all”. I want to commend the efforts of all the club officials and committees who manage and maintaining the principle that we are here to facilitate all members to play golf. To that end I hope I am fulfilling to the best of my abilities the role of supporting Declan this year, though with his boundless energy and enthusiasm I feel I could never have kept up with him even at my fittest, but I will keep on trying for the rest of our time working together. From my point of view the Vice Captains weekend has been a great success, it has been fantastic to see all the people out on the course playing with people they may not have played with before. I also would dearly love to mention Paddy Nolan and Seamus Ryan who participated for 9 holes on Saturday. I always enjoy seeing these two, play golf and thank them for being part of the Vice Captains prize. I must as I do every time I stand and admire the views, thanks to Dinny Touhy and Pat Shelly for their work in maintaining the course to such a high standard. We have a small level of volunteers and other people that chip in, but by far these two gentlemen are wonders and the course reflected their skill and commitment throughout the year. So now before this speech becomes too much like one from Oscars and I fail the third principle of the advice I would like to thank my fellow members of the Competition Committee Mick Keely , Timmy Touhy and most importantly the Boss Sean Lee for guiding me through and organising this weekend. With a final thank you to everyone in Templemore golf club and a request from Tony O’Toole for all the winners to hang around for a group shot at the end of the presentations, I hand over to our Competitions Secretary Sean Lee to give the stats and the results for the Vice Captain’s Prize weekend.
Seniors Ladies Golf.
3rd. July. Senior ladies golf on Lady Captains Monday. Twenty four ladies played in this scramble. A Special welcome to some Golf Ladies that joined this group. A lovely morning was had by all when the rain cleared. Winners were. Ist. Team, Breda Muphy, Marian O Flderty, Breda Ryan. 2nd Team. Kathleen Cahill, Mary Lynch, Gerlie Kelly. 3rd. Team, Mary O’Connor, Kaye Walsh, Peggy Ryan. 4th. Place, Noreen Whelan, Josephine Ryan, Helen Collins. 5th. Team, Anna Russell, Karen O’Toole, Kaye Boyle. Thanks very much to the course management and all who made this day possible. Mary O’Connor.
Captains Social Mixed.
5th. July. Winners. 1st team, Trevor Quinn, Kathleen Foy, Ann Hogg. 2nd. Team, John Fitzpatrick, John Greed, Patricia Ryan,. 3rd. Team, George Murray, Timmy Touhy, Margie Costigan.
Fred Perry Team.
6th July. Congratulations to Liam Leahy and the Perry team who had a great win tonight over Thurles. A chip in on the 18th. by Tom McGrath sealed the victory with the match tied 2 each at that stage. The team travels to Kinsale now for the Munster final at the end of the month. Brilliant achievement.
Ladies Captain Prize.
8th. July. Congratulations to our classy and stylish player Michelle Hassett for winning the lady Captain’s. She has the potential to be playing off single figures shortly . I wish her the very best . 2nd. Place, Claire Fitzpatrick, 2rd. Mary Hogan. My sincere thanks to Dinny Maher and Pat Shelly for having the course in pristine condition, picture perfect due to an early rise of 6am. to clear the course of debris following sat night’s winds. Thanks to Seamus Burke for taking the photos and to the talented ladies committee for providing the entertainment with the very, very, many talented ladies members. My thanks to Vice Captain Les Mason and his wife Rosemay for attending our celebrations . The best of luck to our Boyne cup team on Wednesday. Lady Captain Mary Gilmartin.
Women’s Golf Results.
27th. June. 18 Hole Stableford. 1st. Evelyn Lyons. 36pts. 2nd. Marian Hodgins 34 Pts. 3rd. Bridget Gleeson 32 Pts.
30th. June. 9 Hole Stableford. 1st. Pauline Purcell 16pts. 2nd. Ann Hogg 14pts. 3rd. Breda Murphy 9 pts.
Seniors Golf.
6th.July. On a day when the weather gods did not smile as widely as normal, nine teams ventured out and returned some damp cards but the scoring remained good the first three teams all had 53 points and could only be separated on countback. In 1st Place were John Hassett, George Collins, Jim Gilmartin ad Paddy Nolan. 2nd. Michael Purcell, Pat O’Connell, Phil Ryan Snr. and Pat Maher. 3rd. John Kirwan, Colm Dooley, Pascal Whelan and Henry Hogg. Well played Gentlemen and thank you all for taking part. Vice-Captain Les Mason.
Juvenile lessons
10th. July. Lessons will commence Monday at 10 am. Cost €5. Lessons for Beginner Ladies will follow at 11 am. It is hoped to run the lessons for 6 or 7 weeks. Contact Pat O’Connell 087-9205821 by Text.
Dates for your Diary.
12th. July. Wed. Templemore Ladies v Rathdowney Boyne Cup.
17th. Monday. Fred Perry.
21st, 22nd and 23rd July Captains Prize.
12th. Aug. Sat. Lady’s Presidents Day.
26th. Aug. Sat. & Sun. 27th . Rody Cawley Presidents weekend day
1St. Sept. Fri, Sat, 2nd, Sun, 3rd, Sept. Classic Weekend.
Social mixed will continue on Wed’s at 6pm.
Seniors. Every Thursday 10am. Refreshments afterwards in new Club House “GreenView Restaurant”.