(1) JB Carr, Munster Winning Pair, Liam Daly and Seamus Bourke. (2) JB Carr, Munster Pennant presentation. L.R. Woodenbridge Representative Paul Harte, Templemore Golf Club President Phil Ryan, and Team Manager Liam Leahy (1). Photos taken by Seamus Bourke.
Templemore Golf Club News;
Gents Captain Prize. The Captains Prize dates are as follows. Friday 24th, Saturday 25th, and Sunday 26th. Aug. Time sheets are placed in the Locker room. All club members are requested to take part in this Final Major Competition in honour of or esteem Captain Tommy Foley. Presentations and Social night will be on Sunday night 26th in Murphy’s Pub. There will also be a running TV commentary on the event by a panel of renowned TV presenters as seen on Golf Sport Channel 999. All members including Ladies past and present will be more than welcome to a great nite of entertainment.
Templemore Golf Club in the final 4 of 208 Golf Clubs; A historic and an extraordinary win in the JB Carr tournament by the Seniors of Templemore Golf Club to be in the final 4 out of 208 clubs participated. The final deciders will be played in Woodenbridge Golf Course on Saturday 1st. September with the final and playoff for 3rd. and 4th. on Sunday 2nd. September. The Clubs remaining in the competition are; K-Club, Portumna, Ballybofey and Templemore. The official itinerary will commence on Friday 31st. on the 10th Tee box at 6.45pm sharp. Teams will be presented with their Provincial Flag and a piper will pipe the teams across the bridge to the front of the clubhouse where the draw will take place. Team managers will be asked to introduce each team member of his team by name. Certainly a proud occasion for the players, their Manager, Templemore Golf Club and their families. To experience this great emotion presentation on Friday 31st. it would be great to see as many club supporters as possible both Ladies and Gents present.
Club Supporters Travel arrangements; For group transport and accommodation details, contact Rody Cawley 086-3704229.
Ladies Golf Captains Prize; Congratulations to our Lady Captain Sara Hearn on the occasion of her Captain’s Prize last weekend. A big thank you to Sara for all the work she put in to ensure the Competition was a great success and we complement her on her beautiful Prize. We would also like to acknowledge the hospitality afforded to us by her family who looked after us so well in the Clubhouse. The competition started on Thursday 16th with a 18 Hole Stroke with Bernie Stapleton emerging as leader with 65 nett. She was closely followed by Margie Costigan with a 67 and newcomer Joan Shortt with a 68. Consequently it was all to play for on Saturday but after tales of woe with balls in drains and bunkers by the leading three the ultimate winner Mary Hayes, with a wonderful score of 64 nett, emerged victorious. We congratulate Mary on winning the prize and the great golf she played on the day.
The Ladies Captains Prize results: 1st. Mary Hayes (24) 137 nett. 2nd. Bernie Stapleton (26) 137 nett. Gross Sheila Delaney (12) 168. 4th. Mary Lou Carroll (20) 141 nett. 5th. Joan Shortt (38) 143 nett. Past Captain Kathleen Maher (14) 144 nett. 7th. Mary Ann Maher (24) 146 nett. 1st. 18 Margie Costigan (25) 65 nett. 2nd. 18 Mary Ryan (26) 75 nett. 9 Hole Beginners Stroke Competition; 1st. Breda Murphy. 2nd. Marian Keely. 3rd. Noreen Whelan.
Presentation of prizes; The social evening and presentation of prizes took place in the Clubhouse Lounge on Saturday night 18th. at 9.30pm. The turnout of Ladies and Gents was brilliant. A great social intimate nite with great music and song and witt by PJ. Leahy, Wm Cullen and Mary Hogan into the early hours.
Congratulations; Congratulations were extended to the Lady Captain Sara Hearne by the Club Captain Tommy Foley Via the vice-Captain John Stapleton and also congratulations to all the winners and especially to the winner Mary Hayes.
The Captain’s Social Mixed; The Captains Social Mixed on Friday evening 17th. was a great success There was a fantastic turn out of all members.
Social Mixed results; Josie Moloney concluded with the results. Best Gross; Pat O’ Connell, Kieran Hassett, Ann O’Rourke. Best Nett; Michael Webster, Seamus Bourke, Mary Ryan. 3rd. Owen Bourke, Lorcan Reilly, Margie Costigan.
JB Carr Homecoming; John Stapleton announced on behalf of the seniors that they are going to organise a social nite in the Club Lounge on Monday Night 3rd. Sept. at 9.30 sharp to congratulate the JB Carr Team on their success in the tournament. Ladies are also invited to this historic event.
3T’s results; There was a fantastic turnout on Sat. 11th. and Sunday 12th. for this great charity event to help support deaths by suicide through research, intervention and support. The winners were; 1st. Pat Maher. 2nd. Michael Walsh. 3rd. Francis McCormack.
Juvenile Golf Lessons Update; The next lesson will be on Friday 24th. Aug. at 10am. Any information required contact Pat O’Connell 087 9205821.
Men’s Seniors; Results are as follows for Thursday, 16th. Sept. 1st. Brendan Russell, John Brown, Seanie Gleeson, Donal Golden. 2nd Team; Sean Lee, Phil Ryan, John Mullaly, Mick O’Connell. 3rd. Team; Tom McGrath, Mick Carey, Pat O’Connell. The Seniors is a fantastic event for retired golfers to return to the game with like-minded golfers. If you are over 55 or retired, from any distance or Club you will be more than welcome.
Best of Luck; To the JB Carr team on reaching the all Ireland final in Woodenbridge. Also to Captain Tommy Foley with his Captains Prize on this week-end.
Special Home coming; John Stapleton announced on behalf of the seniors that they are going to organise a social nite in the Club Lounge on Monday Night 3rd. Sept. at 9.30 sharp to congratulate the JB Carr Team on their success in the tournament.
Best Wishes; To Lady Captain Sara Hearne on her Captains prize.
Next Seniors on Thursday 23rd. Sept. at usual time.
LMC; The next outing is on Monday 20th. Aug. in Thurles Golf Club. Templemore Golf Club Seniors that are currently in the top 14 placings are; Pat O’Connell 185, Bertie Keane 178. A space to watch. Best of luck to all and continued success.
Club Fixtures;
Captains Prize; Friday 24th, Saturday 25th, and Sunday 26th. Aug.
1st. and 2nd. Sept. The J B Carr, All Ireland Final in Woodenbridge.
1st. and 2nd. Sept. 18H. S/F.
7th. and 8th. Sept. Club Classic.
8th. and 9th. Sept. GOY 18H Stroke.
15th. and 16th. Sept. Vice Captains.
22nd. and 23rd. Sept. 18H S/F.
29th. and 30th. Sept. GOY 18H Stroke.
6th. and 7th. Oct. 18H S/F.
13th. and 14th. Oct. 18H S/F.
20th. and 21st. Oct. GOY 18H S/F.
20th. and 21st. Oct. GOY 18H S/F.
27th. and 28th. Oct. W/D Soc 18H S/F.
November. TBA.